Jan Hendrik Brüggemeier, Scott Lewis and Renuka Rajiv: It's local time
Nature in the Dark 1
- View Jan Hendrik Brüggemeier's Biography
Jan Hendrik Brüggemeier is an artist, academic and media producer based in Melbourne.
- View Renuka Rajiv's Biography
Renuka Rajiv is a visual artist based in Bangalore. Renuka relocated from Melbourne where she studied printmaking at the Victorian College of Arts.
- View Scott Lewis' Biography
Scott Lewis is a filmmaker based in Melbourne.
It's local time! - Jan Hendrik Brüggemeier, Scott Lewis and Renuka Rajiv
Working collaboratively Jan, Scott and Renuka were like private investigators sifting through thousands of digital VNPA images of unsuspecting creatures from the night. We discovered a myriad of native animals and birds alongside a few ‘feral’ bandits and selected the ones that most appealed to us, then created a montage in a mostly playful way. We interspersed the images with a hand drawn animation style that appears like live drawing to complement these covert snapshots. We also integrated a scratch film technique whereby we scratch the emulsion from a 16mm film and then bond a decomposed leaf structure to the surface. The soundtrack is composed of analog elements like sound effects of crackling branches and digitally synthesised sounds and brings these animals to life as they dance into the dark.
Jan Hendrik Brüggemeier is a freelance artist, curator and media producer. Jan's artistic interests lie in sound art and spaces for communication in the city. He holds an MFA in Media Arts and Design from the Bauhaus University Weimar, where he graduated from the chair for Experimental Radio. He relocated from London, where he worked for the AA School of Architecture, to Melbourne to take on his Creative PhD at the Centre for Creative Arts at La Trobe University, where he now resides. His work has been shown internationally.
Website: http://www.neture.org
Scott Lewis is a filmmaker based in Melbourne Australia. His short films are visually based in a lyrical way. He founded Zoo Patrol Productions in 2007. A boutique production company that specialises in short films, documentaries, web clips, showreels, music videos, educational videos and live event documenting.
Website: http://www.zoopatrol.com.au
Renuka Rajiv is a Bengalore-based visual artist. She studied printmaking at the Victorian College of Arts in Melbourne. In her art practice she likes to exhume something personal through the mediums of drawing, printmaking, paper mache and stitching. Her drawing process involves constant making and re-making. While not being afraid of repetitiveness, she is interested in the abstract rhythm that emerges out of the relationship between each component and the larger body of drawings. In this project collaboration her main concern was to make her drawing animations follow the flow of the audio/video montage.
Website: http://pithbull.blogspot.com